Moving Ideas Forward

16 09 2010

I like brainstorming and sometimes I have days when my head is full of new ideas. The feeling when my brain is generating new ideas is amazing. You know, when it feels that your hair is growing and synapses are sparkling. It feels that you must have pen and booklet immediately available and if there aren’t any, frustration almost crushes you. After that idea thunderstorm you may have several ideas written down to booklet or corner of the paper (that appeared to be available on the table).


So how many ideas you have laying between the booklet covers and on the stack of paper? What have you done lately to make those ideas happen? That is the annoying part. Somebody should take those items forward but that is not easy. You do not have time, you must do the dishes, clean the bathroom or write a blog post. There are always something more important to do instead of making those ideas happen.

For me it works when I write down the actions related to ideas. I break ideas down to smaller tasks and do them in suitable timeslots. Making ideas happen is a real work. I must do some action if I want to move the ball forward. I am still learning this kind of routine where I write every day actions down which must be done during the day. Very often it needs some radical changes how to work everyday: reducing the time in reading/answering e-mails, time spent in reading the news or other articles, time spent on the phone or time spent in writing the blog.

There are lots of places where time is spent without moving the ball forward. When those time eaters are identified and eliminated you have more time for making your ideas happen. I have used Tim Ferris’s advice about reading the e-mail: I read my e-mails first time at noon and second time at 4 p.m. I found that my productivity raised when I spend less time with e-mails (Tim Ferris uses only 4 hour per week for e-mail but that is totally different story).

Well, when time is spent wisely there is better chance for moving ideas forward. It only needs little bit more self discipline than usual and it always rewards at the end. So, how do you make your ideas happen?



One response

17 09 2010
Tweets that mention Moving Ideas Forward « Petri Poikolainen's Blog --

[…] This post was mentioned on Twitter by valter marques, Petri Poikolainen. Petri Poikolainen said: New blog post about moving the ideas forward #in #innovation #ideas […]

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